Sunday, March 13, 2011

Costumes and fun at the Ball

I think that Constance is giving instruction here....

Great vests!

Dancing and a Great Hairdo

WOW! Good job on the hair....

Dancing and Such

More pictures.....

Another family has sent a lovely set of pictures for this post and the next few. I had no access to this computer in the last week, hence the lack of posts. I will try my best to do a few more this week. I am sure there are a few more pictures:) And the video....well, the video man isn't here while I have access to the computer. So hopefully sometime next week. I will post on facebook and hopefully some emails to let you know when that happens.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

More Shared pictures and a lovely blog post....

Thank you for sharing pictures!

I also read a lovely post about our ball at

A very lovely girl with a very lovely dress!

Yep, More Dancing

Saturday, March 5, 2011